How To Create Freedom-Based Foundational Income

...So You Can Spend More Time Writing Your Books (Or Whatever You Want To Be Doing)

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    Jennifer Blanchard

    Self-Made Author, Manifestation Teacher, and Entrepreneur

    Jennifer Blanchard

    Jennifer Blanchard is the author of F*ck the How, and Quantum Leap Your Life (among others). She translates "woo-woo" spiritual/energetic principles into practical life applications and helps you to set the How aside so you can manifest whatever you want. She has authored more than a dozen books, including several works of fiction, and is co-author of the book, Miraclefesting.

    In this 30-min training (that you can watch on 2x speed), you will learn...

    • The 3 keys to having time, location and financial freedom so you can focus on your hobbies and creative projects more of the time
    • Why you need to take the pressure off your books/art/creative work to make you money (and how to do that)
    • About Foundational Income + Expansive Money, and an opportunity for earning more of both