How To Get Clear On Your Deepest Soul Desires

One of the biggest reasons you feel stuck in your life is because you're not clear on what you want.

And when you don't know what you want, it's not only difficult to get it, but you also won't have a vision or a direction that ensures you're on-path to the life you dream of.

Desires can sometimes be a confusing thing. There's so much noise in your head and influence from the outside world, telling you what you should want, or what you're limited to, or what you can or can't have.

But "should wants" are not very motivating.

In this FREE audio training + worksheet, I'm showing you exactly how to tap into your truest, deepest heart-and-soul desires, so you can separate that from the things you've been shoulding yourself into.

And that kind of clarity can change everything for you.

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    Jennifer Blanchard

    Bestselling Author + Screenwriter

    Who Am I?

    I'm a multi-passionate author and screenwriter who helps you to live your dreams + manifest whatever you want without worrying about how you'll do it. I'm also the host of The AND Life podcast, available on Apple podcasts and iHeartRadio.

    I have authored more than a dozen books, including several works of fiction.

    My blog was named one of the Top 10 Greatest Writing Blogs of the Decade by PositiveWriter, and my screenplay, "The Rules" placed as a semi-finalist in the Stage32 Rom-Com Script Contest (2019).

    What You
    Get In This FREE Audio + Worksheet

    • An in-depth audio training that explains how to get clear on what you truly desire, and how to know the difference between a deep core desire and a desire you're shoulding yourself into
    • Examples for each kind of desire, so you know how to apply this in your own life
    • A written worksheet you can work through to figure out and get clear on your own deepest heart-and-soul desires, and your should desires (so you can let those go)